A staircase with wooden treads and a metal railing.

Jim Lucarelli Named 2015 Realtor of the Year

TELLURIDE, Colo. (September 18, 2015) – The Telluride Association of REALTORS (TAR) named Jim Lucarelli of Real Estate Affiliates of Telluride its 2015 Realtor of the Year at their annual awards dinner earlier this month. Nominees for this award are chosen and voted on by their peers and this is the third time Lucarelli has won this prestigious award.

“I am honored to be nominated by past recipients of the Realtor of the Year Award and thrilled to be taking home this professional award,” said Lucarelli. “Hopefully the third time is a charm!”

Lucarelli, the outgoing President of TAR and new Past President for TAR, also won the Presidential Award for service to the organization. In his 20+ years as a REALTOR in Telluride Lucarelli has now been President of TAR three times.

“Serving as President for this dynamic group of professionals is very rewarding, but also demanding,” commented Lucarelli. “It’s not something you can do half-way. We’ve had a good, busy year and I am pleased to have been able to be a part of it.”

TAR has over 170 Members and 85 Affiliate Members, many of whom are very active in all aspects of the Telluride community. In addition to his work with TAR Lucarelli is also an 19-year member of the Telluride Volunteer Fire Department, the current President of the Telluride Ski & Snowboard Club and Owner/Broker of Real Estate Affiliates of Telluride, a boutique brokerage firm he founded in 2002.

For more information on the Lucarelli and his firm Real Estate Affiliates of Telluride , visit website here or call (970) 728-0213.

For more information on TAR visit www.TellurideRealtors.net or call (970) 728-0213.

Work With Jim

With a demonstrated expertise in high-end listings and sales, Jim is fluent in all aspects of Telluride real estate and prides himself on a vast array of market knowledge you can’t find online.

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